Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Are men the fair sex?

This is probably not the most important form of discrimination against men, but it is so constant that one cannot help noticing it.

The BBC quiz show The Weakest Link, presented by Anne Robinson, has a curious pattern by which women almost alwasy win, even if men are more often than not the best contestants.
Women gang up and routinely vote off the men one by one. They usually excuse this behaviour by reference to "girl power" or some such idiocy.

Indeed, if they did not do this, women would hardly ever have a chance of winning, because men are usually stronger. But this is obviously unfair...

The reason, since this is a "democratic" program in which contestants vote each other off as "the weakest link", is that women gang up and routinely vote off the men one by one. They usually excuse this behaviour by reference to "girl power" or some such idiocy.

Indeed, if they did not do this, women would hardly ever have a chance of winning, because men are usually stronger. But this is obviously unfair.

By watching this program one would arrive at the conclusion that women are not as just as men (who should be called "the fair sex"). Whether this reduced sense of justice possessed by women is indeed the cause of the game's pattern, or whether it is the deleterious influence of Anne Robinson, or a combination of the two, it's hard to say.

What is sure, though, is that Robinson only remarks on the rare occasions when men vote off most women, but never on the many more numerous times when women regularly vote off all men. Sometimes she calls each of the remaining men "plotter" when asking them questions, which is certainly unacceptable in this game against the clock since it wastes time.

When it's the other way round, she congratulates the females for having got rid of all the blokes. And yet she should know that men do better than women, because she is a regular presenter of National IQ Tests (or so they are portrayed) on the BBC, on which men are invariably the highest scorers.

There is a political point even in this relatively trivial issue: the BBC would never allow a game in which the male presenter did to women what Anne Robinson does to men.


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